Asphalt Sealing
We Use ONLY THE BEST Asphalt-Based Seal Coat on the Market!Our asphalt-based emulsion seal coat product is designed for maximum wear, and a beautiful black finish. We apply our product only when weather permits, beginning with a thorough cleaning process. We also use a special sealant on oil spots in asphalt, to allow the seal coat to adhere properly to those areas.
Asphalt sealing provides the following benefits:
- Asphalt sealing prolongs the useful life of the asphalt!
- Seal coat for pennies per square foot vs. dollars per square foot repairs later
- It may be applied to most asphalt surfaces
- It protects pavement from the damaging effects of sun, rain, and petroleum products
- It works effectively on new or worn asphalt surfaces
- It dries to an attractive black asphalt finish
- Emulsion sealants are cold applied and are non-toxic
- Aspahlt sealing prevents damaging (“alligatoring”,”ravelling” and “oxidation”)